PHYTOREMEDIATION RESEARCH CASE STUDY: Chlorinated Solvents Project Name: Travis Air Force Base (Klein, 2011) (Doucette et al 2013) (Parsons, 2010) Caption: Gaseous TCE releases from trees and soil surface into the atmosphere were measured on this site to determine...
Project Name: Ford Motor Company Factory (Barac et al 1999) Location: Genk, Belgium Scientists: Tanja Barac (a); Nele Weyens (a); Licy Oeyen (a); Safiyh Taghavi (b); Daniel van der Lelie (b); Dirk Dubin (c); Marco Spliet (d); Jaco Vangronsveld (a) Institutions: (a)...
Article from the European Commission Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS). E.U. has funded Phyto2Energy Initiative studies potential of using plants grown for biomass to also remediate pollutants from the soil. Chelators (soil additives) may...
New article in the Journal of Hazardous Materials found on ScienceDirect. With the growing attention of functional green walls for their air cleaning abilities, this study concerns the possibility of increasing their remediation abilities by adjusting the substrate....
Article from the Mountain Express: using phytoremediation to clean up a brownfield site sitting next to the French Broad River Park in Asheville, NC that had previously been an auto junkyard for more than 40 years. With the initial work started in 2011, the park could...