Entirely Edible

Entirely Edible

Entirely Edible Gallery A low maintenance, landscape utilizing entirely edible plants was created for this young, busy family in Brookline. Clean lines and formal planting beds were used to compliment this elegant home.  A variety of hedges, edible trees, perennials...
5 Boston Public Schoolyards

5 Boston Public Schoolyards

Offshoots is pleased to be involved with the green infrastructure design services for the Boston Water and Sewer Commission as part of Boston Public Schools’ 10 year Green Infrastructure Master Plan.

One Beach

One Beach

Offshoots, Inc. developed the landscape plan for this multi-family affordable senior housing project in Revere

Acton Agrarian

Acton Agrarian

Acton Agrarian Gallery This edible landscape with custom raised beds and pergola is surrounded by an espalier pear hedge. Peastone paths and bluestone thresholds create geometry in keeping with this contemporary Acton farmhouse.   CATEGORYGardens, Residential...
Newton Transitional Pool Landscape

Newton Transitional Pool Landscape

Newton Transitional Pool Landscape Gallery This low maintenance planting fits within the New England vernacular, linking indoors and outdoors with a pergola and new pool house. Landscape elements include a pool, water-wall, hot tub and firepit. The project uses local...